Implicit Teaching

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1. Compare and contrast explicit and implicit teaching. (10 pts) Explicit teaching provides a more structured type of teaching, where the teacher provides the students with the information and guides them through every and each step of understanding the new knowledge. This would include explaining the information, modeling it, providing the students with guided practice and then allowing opportunity for independent practice. On the other hand, implicit teaching is more flexible, as the teacher creates opportunities where the students can draw their own conclusions and make connections between topics. This give the students the ability to explore the topic on their own, or to collaborate with classmates in order to better understand the …show more content…

Reviewing the lesson is important because it gives the teacher an opportunity to evaluate how the students are doing and what areas may required additional information or time. This also give the students the opportunity to explain in their own words what they learned, or to share any questions or clarification that they may need. During the preview the teacher can provide the students with a quick idea of what they will be learning next and how the information covered today will be pertinent. The preview also gives the students a better understanding on how the information learned today is useful in their lives and how they can benefit from having this knowledge. During independent practice is where students can showcase and practice their understanding on the topic. This time can also help students to identify what areas they may need additional help with in order to master the skill/concept. Independent practice can take place individually and also in small groups. Students who may be be struggling with the topic can benefit from working in small groups setting simply by watching how other students work or by having other students explain what they are doing in …show more content…

Positive feedback also helps the students understand and not be as negatively affected when they receive feedback indicating things they need to work on. This allows the student to feel comfortable in the classroom and to enjoy receiving feedback. Provide informative feedback - This is essential to help the students understand what things they are doing incorrectly, while also allowing an opportunity to point out what things they are doing well. This is important as the student will have a visual to better understand the teacher’s feedback, which is something they may not have fully comprehended when receiving verbal feedback only. Praise students for error correction - Praising students that catch their own mistakes, or correct errors that have been pointed out by the teacher allows them to feel good about themselves. Receiving the praise will help the student associate catching mistakes or making corrections with receiving positive attention/recognition. This helps triggers the students’ desire to better

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