Andy Green's Article On The Role Of Globalization And Comparative Education

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Andy Green’s article on the role of globalisation and comparative education explores the effects of globalisation in changing education and its implication for comparative study. He questions whether the decline of nation states constructs the national system as obsolete. His article considers the importance of studying educational systems as well as inquires to define the field of comparative education by reviewing how globalisation is changing education and comparative study. Green assesses the changing relations between education and the nation states, and concludes that the national education system is far from obsolete.

Green begins by exploring the early rise of comparative education and its relation to national educational systems. He then goes on to explore the role of globalisation on education, as well as the various changes that took place in comparative education with the rise of globalisation. His article presents an original argument about the effects of globalisation on the role of comparative analysis in education.

According to Green, early examples of comparative education began in the 19th century with the rise of national education. During this era, the national system was the main object of study. Accordingly, during this period, systematic descriptions and classifications …show more content…

Therefore, comparative education as a field of study began with the notions of national systems as they were seen to be an important aspect to understand. Thus, the first comparative educationalists were preoccupied with systems of the nation. They organized their classification of education around national systems. These comparativists viewed education through the lens of the nation state. The national system remained the main unit of comparison, until the rise of

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