Imagery And Symbolism In The Birthmark And Eye Of The Beholder

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When analyzing both “The Birthmark” and Eye of the Beholder, several literary devices can be found to explain each text’s theme. Within “The Birthmark”, Hawthorne uses imagery and symbolism in order to portray the effect that Georgiana’s birthmark has on her marriage and ultimately her life. In the episode of the Twilight Zone, Eye of the Beholder, the producers use irony and foreshadowing in order to draw attention to the oddity that is a society where the life of one person who is not considered beautiful could be drastically changed due to such an exile from society.
The Birthmark - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne uses imagery in order to depict both the birthmark that “blemishes” the skin on Georgiana’s cheek, and the hospital-esque area …show more content…

Similarly, the birth mark itself represents Georgiana’s humanity and the presence (or lack) of flaws with her personality and her physical beauty. Therefore, when Aylmer attempts to rid her of her birthmark - her only flaw - he is trying to make her perfect. And it is through the symbolism of the birthmark that Hawthorne works to show that.
“Selecting it as the symbol of his wife’s liability to sin, sorrow, decay and death..wrote mortality where he would fain have worshipped..” pg 220
Through the use of an allegory, Hawthorne portrays how important it is to uphold beauty not as it is in the eye of the beholder, but in the eye of the individual in …show more content…

Then, when the shadows lift we see the twisted faces and gnarled skin of the doctors and nurses who had been treating her.
Throughout the episode, the foreshadowing used by the producers in the episode affects how we predict the outcome. The manner in which they set the camera away from the faces and features of the characters allowed us to only see their outlines in the shadows. All the attention was on Janet Tyler, who’s wrapped face was front and center in the light. With the attention to Janet’s condition and the importance of a change in her unwrapped face we are led to believe that her face will remain unchanged.
As Janet’s gauze wrapped face was in focus, the other people were in the shadows.
Similarly to “The Birthmark”, the producers of the twilight zone use an allegory throughout this episode in order to show the viewer the importance of understanding beauty as it applies to each individual.
When Janet Tyler met the man who was to take her back to the “gathering” of the people who were “like her”

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