Ichthyosis Vulgaris Informative Speech

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After the most meticulous testing and review I regret to inform you that your future child will be born with the genetic disorder known as Ichthyosis Vulgaris. The disorder is an inherited skin condition that prevents the body from naturally shedding its dead skin cells. Eventually as time passes those dead skin cells accumulate to create scale like patches on the surface of the skin. The condition is commonly referred to as “fish scale disease” due to the patches appearing similar to that of a fish’s scales.

There are several ways that a disorder can be passed down through families and Ichthyosis Vulgaris follows the inheritance pattern of autosomal dominant, which means the child can acquire the disease by receiving the abnormal gene from at least one parent. I would like to request to view both your families genetic disorder history to further the results although it is possible this is a new mutation in the child and the ancestors were unaffected carriers. Without an inheritance pattern it would be difficult to determine which specific gene or chromosome was mutated so it would quite beneficial to receive the information as quick as possible. …show more content…

The condition may be present at birth or in the very early years of the child’s life. Besides the obvious polygon shaped scaly patches on the skin(gray, white, brown) other notable and identifiable symptoms include itchy, dry, or thick skin. However, Mr.Anders and Mrs.Anders, I am not trying to send you into a panicked alarm as there is much to be done for the child in the future. Ichthyosis Vulgaris does not affect life expectancy in any manner and although there is no cure for the condition certain treatment can help manage the

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