Ian Banks's Sympathy For Frank By James Frank

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Throughout the novel, the reader sees Frank carry out numerous cruel acts, whether this be the three children he has murdered in the past, or the countless animals he continues to torture and kill in the present. Naturally, hearing about someone performing these acts would evoke feelings of disgust and dislike; however, Ian Banks uses first person narrative to allow Frank to justify and add humour to his stories, which leads to the reader having feelings of sympathy towards Frank. Even when sympathy is not directly created, the author gets the reader to like Frank, which makes it easier for the reader to forgive Frank for the disturbing deeds he has done. When Frank mentions killing or murder, he adds humour to the situation. Frank tells the …show more content…

To create sympathy for a character, it is not necessary to show the character as a good person; but rather, it is important to allow the reader inside the character 's perspective. Banks effectively does this throughout the novel. He allows the reader into Frank 's head and allows the reader to learn very personal details about Frank. This also makes the reader feel trusted by Frank. Banks also shows the reader Frank 's vulnerable side and his insecurities; as everyone is able to relate to feeling vulnerable and having insecurities, a level of empathy is achieved. To add to this, the reader is able to understand Frank 's relationship with his parents and how it negatively impacts him. Not only does seeing what Frank has to go through with his parents directly create sympathy, but it also serves as a justification to some of his behaviour and allows for the reader to easily forgive Frank for his wrong doings. By using first person narrative, Banks is able to communicate to the reader what Frank thinks and feels throughout the novel. This is very effective in creating sympathy when Frank is telling stories about his murders as the reader is able to understand what the events mean to Frank and how he perceives them. Since the connection between the reader and Frank has already been built, the reader is able to feel Frank 's emotions and forgive him,, which leads to sympathy being felt towards

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