IT Adoption of Adult Learners

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Technology has succeeded to influence everything from academia and communication to religion and medicine. It will somehow continue to reinvent itself as time progresses. Consequently, there is so much new content created online than there has ever been and with that comes limitless ease of access. Although there is a prevalence of accessibility, what appears to be occurring is the user’s ability to work with and implement technology effectively, particularly adult learners. Within the hallways of numerous colleges, there are adult learners who are terrified by the acquisition and implementation of technology which is an institutional requirement. Technological skills are a essential for student achievement. This literature review intends to capture several studies about the adoption of IT amongst college students and summarize their outcomes in a fashion that is supportive to the understanding of this study. One fundamental area of study often argued, is the self-efficacy of adult learners’ adoption of technology.
General Attitudes toward the implementation of Technology
Many assessments conducted about the attitudes toward the adoption of IT by adult learners have been generally consistent. The book: Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Adult Learners Utilizing Information Communication Technologies (2011) states that the theory of self-efficacy amongst adult learners has been shown to be a contributing factor to their academic success. This not only goes along with studies prior to this analysis, but later studies also ascertain this finding to be accurate as well.
One of the differences that various researchers have discovered in their work is concerning the variability of age. Generally, adult learners' beliefs toward the ...

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