The Importance Of My Life

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I was never exposed to the finer possessions of life growing up. To have a conversation about money in my household, simply put was to talk about the items that could not afford. As a child, it was evident that my parents were not as wealthy as those of my classmates. My grandmother, born the daughter of two Caribbean immigrants, had work ethics built into her bones, and my grandfather a former military officer would do anything for their children. Neither of my grandparents had a chance to complete college, but they would except nothing less than a Bachelor’s degree from me. I was placed in private at the age of three and have attended private school all my life. I was enrolled in several extracurricular activities as well. Their only dream was for me to be able to achieve mine. My happiness was the most important thing to them, and vice versa. …show more content…

This was the hardest strain on my parents. It was around this time that my class became very evident to me. Attending a school, for the children of the rich and wealthy was a very intimidating experience for me. I would be embarrassed when I would go for my fifteen-dollar allowance, and see that my friends would be getting fifty/sixty dollars each week. I felt insecure about going shopping with them, knowing that the stores they were used to shopping in were stores I had only dreamed of stepping foot in. I would look at the clothing I wore and become full of anger. I wanted what they had. When I would go out with my mom and her friends, I would see their children with the latest MCM bags and turn to her with a longing look in her eye. Her response would simply be “They didn’t have a tuition to pay.” I my heart I was happy she had chosen my education over material things but that didn’t stop me from wanting

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