I Want To Pursue My Interest In Sport

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As a child I was full of energy, always scampering around the household. The type of child that always had to be reminded to settle down and control myself. This meant that doing things, such as reading for homework, was a particularly difficult task for me to do. The reading simply did not peak my interest because I would have rather played outside in my backyard for an evening followed by video games until the break of dawn. As I grew, I developed an interest in athletics as an outlet for my testosterone-raged body. Due to my constant activities, I never was able to settle down to read books. However, the more I learned from my coaches and mentors, the more I became obsessed with learning about the human body and its interaction with physical activity. Over the course of five years, my mind has grown very strongly in this field. And …show more content…

As a thirteen year old boy, I had no intelligence in human anatomy, physiology, or kinesiology. I didn't even realize these were words at the age. At the time, all that I knew is that when I heard my class was going to the gymnasium, my body pounded with adrenaline and my head pulsed with endorphins preparing for the games that were in store. This love for activities escalated as I joined my first sports team on the Avon football squad. I absolutely loved the season with constant pad popping and helmet cracking. However, I did not enjoy the feeling of losing. I realized I wanted to become a better athlete; to be bigger, faster, and stronger. In order to achieve my goal, I began my research. Initially, I started with my father. Considering he's a 6' 3" 210 pound man, his background in strength and sports checks out as a credible source. He led me to a well

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