I Want To Pursue My GPA

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Currently my GPA is below the university requirement by 0.03 points. While GPA is a good indicator of how good of a student one is, I feel that it does not always indicate other important factors about a student. For example, GPA does not reflect motivation. I am an extremely motivated student. I always work hard in my classes to try and achieve the best grade possible. I am constantly trying to go the extra mile in order to better myself and my education. After my last spring semester my GPA was too low for my liking, so I took two classes over the summer in order to improve it. My education is immensely important to me since I know that I have to do well in order to achieve my goals. I intend to graduate with my bachelor’s in Anthropology and then …show more content…

For both of these degrees I am striving to graduate with a GPA over 3.0 and I am currently on track for that goal for my bachelor’s degree. While my overall GPA is lower than my requirement, my GPA for my major is above the requirement. In all of my major classes I consistently earn good grades. I enjoy my major immensely and am very passionate about learning as much as I can about Anthropology.

My current GPA is technically not an overall reflection of my entire college career. After my first year at college I transferred universities, and while my credits transferred my grades did not. The work that I completed in my freshman year is not reflected in my current GPA. When I first transferred, it took me a little while to fully acclimate to my new university since it differed in so many ways from my old college. However, I started to adapt to my new school and more challenging classes,

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