I Want To Be A Chaffey Student

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I am not only coming to college to seek a higher education but I’m also here for my family. I come from a family of immigrants. We lived in a small two-bedroom apartment, but there is an abundance of love, respect and hard work. I grew up watching my mom breaking her back sometimes working two jobs at a time. Even though my mom did not speak English and is not from here it has not stopped her from giving her children a better future. When I was younger, my mom was never really around I never knew why. It was not until I got older that I understood the reason she was never there. I want to be able to repaid my mom for all those years she had to work sleepless and tirelessly. She is the reason that motivates me and keeps me pushing forward. I …show more content…

Through its engaging environment with its staff members I have experience that there is place for DREAMer like myself to feel welcomed. Programs like EOPS and the Dreamers Club allow students to come together and acknowledge that they are not alone. Having such a diverse demographic of students on campus gives students a chance to build a network of friends. I have encounter people who are first generation students and realize we share the same common goals and aspirations. I am a Chaffey student here to succeed and improve my life through education. I have found that college has allowed me to engaged in my social skills, decision making, and analytical skills. By being first generation in my family I have taken the steps towards the right direction to improve my life and the life of others. I could not imagine my life being any different if I was not in college. I do not what type of person I would be if I would not have taken the courage to start school. Although I was insecure and unsure about where I would end up I can now say it was the best decision I made. Whenever a shred of doubt comes in my mind I remind myself everything that is at stake. I have come this far to let anything or anyone get in my way of continuing my goal. I will keep pushing and fighting even if I do not what the outcome might be. By attending college, the positive will outweighs the negative. The potential that come from being in college is having a stable life, income and doing something you like. I will no longer have to live in constant state of anxiety or worked an underpaid job. As stressful as it might be now, managing my courses, family life, and everything in between I always think of the greater outcomes. I can have financial freedom and be a better role model to other family members. This will provide a better outlook for others to see what kind of future

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