I Love Photography Research Paper

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Ahh photography, how I love you so. It's been a love affair since day 1. You've brought me so much joy, you've taught me a great many things and you've helped me through hard times. Though each of my words is worth only 1/1000th as much as any photo, I will do my best to write you a worthy laudation for all that you have given me. Here are the reasons I love photography.

Photography is one of those hobbies which is inherently social; one only has to look at the number of photography clubs, social networks dedicated to photography, meetups, etc to see this. When I first started out as a photography newbie, I was overwhelmed (in a good way!) by how quickly I made friends and how deep those friendships became. By and large, photographers are …show more content…

The field of photography is such a vast landscape, with so many different genres & styles, different cameras, different lenses, different subjects to shoot, different exposure and creative choices, etc. And it seems like every few days I'll be inspired by somebody's amazing photography or a new idea they've come up with that makes me run and grab my camera to experiment. With enough practice, we photographers can become masters, but we'll never truly know everything there is to know about photography. Which means we'll never get bored; we'll always be addicted to trying that next idea, shooting that next photo, making the next shot just a little better than the …show more content…

And with Photoshop and image manipulation, I can push those boundaries even further beyond the surreal and into the downright "impossible". Without photography, I never would have covered myself in icecream and chocolate sauce. I never would have covered an entire room with newspapers, made a newspaper suit for myself and sat down on a newspaper chair to read the newspaper. I wouldn't have sat in a forest and completely covered myself in masking tape while people looked at me as if I was some sort of strange deviant ("normal" is overrated, anyway). I never would have dyed my hair blue (2 times), shaved it bald (3 times) or bought so many cool props to play with. Without photography and Photoshop I never would have set myself on fire, chopped my body in half, levitated off the ground, shrunk myself down or blown myself up. Photography has been the perfect excuse to go completely nuts and have

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