I Just Wanna Be Average Summary

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“I Just Wanna Be Average” is a passage from Mike’s semi-autobiography “Lives on the Boundary”. The passage describes his time as a high school student at Our Lady of Mercy. The story begins as his scores from the entrance standardized test were switched with another students scores. As such, he is mistakenly placed in the vocational education program of the school. Rose went on to take a biology course his sophomore year in the spring. His teacher noticed Rose’s unusual high scores on the exams of his class and noticed the error of his placement in the school records. In the fall, Rose was pushed into the college prep program at Our Lady of Mercy. The change, at first, was a culture shock in the slightest. Things were miserable for Rose until an English teacher changed his life during his Senior year. Mr. MacFarland greatly inspired the whole school, especially Rose whom now sees Mr. MacFarland as the man who shaped him into who he is today. Rose went on, with help from his English teacher, to a high education and pursuit such at Loyola University, the alma mater of Mr. MacFarland. …show more content…

I think not only is this a biographical piece about Rose’s personal experience. The bigger picture that he is trying to show is what vocational education is and how it sucks the life out of the untapped potential in their kids in a never-ending cycle. The imagery Rose uses really reminds me of ‘Shawshank Redemption’. The whole time there is Morgan Freeman going into more and more detail about the situation and picking out quirks about the character he is speaking about that you wouldn’t have known and things that maybe you didn’t know you wanted to know about the character. Rose gives people in his story true life, and you can really picture them and get a sense of them as a human

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