I Have A Dream Speech About Freedom

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There are many views thought upon by freedom, but like Coco Chanel said, “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” This quote expresses what many adults during the mid-1900s and early 2000s thought of during rough struggles, regarding one word: freedom. According to dictionary.com, freedom is the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. So, why does this mediocre word have the capability to control the thoughts of people all over the world? Possibly many people want to share their thoughts, but also want people to abide by them. Or, perhaps people just want justice for what they are fighting for, whether it may be religion, gender, race, or even gay pride. Whatever the …show more content…

Based on King's, I Have A Dream Speech, The United States signed a note that promised all men the rights of life, liberty, and happiness. However the United States did not give all man the freedom they promised. Instead, they segregated, isolated, and violated the men who didn't deem worthy enough. What about the black men who wanted equality from segregation? What about the women who wanted to vote for the decisions that was also going on in their lives? What about the gay pride Americans who wanted to get married to the love of their life? They were not given the freedom they needed, causing them to protest, rebel, and fight for what they wanted. In the text, Nobody Turn Me Around: A People's History, the historic writer Charles Euchner, provides information from King's Speech as an analysis: “ Lincoln freeing the slaves, with the stroke of a pen in the middle of a bloody war, King laments the inferior position of blacks a century later… every invocation of one hundred years emphasizes the horror’s of a black’s position in American life. Not free. Crippled… Exile in his own country.” Here, Euchner provides further information based on the Emancipation Proclamation and how it correlates with King’s speech. Ultimately, if freedom is given, the United States promissory notes, such as the Emancipation Proclamation and the Declaration of Independence, would finally be

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