Hurt And Angry Analysis

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Mark Balotell once said “You can’t delete racism. It’s like a cigarette. You can't stop smoking if you don't want to, and you can't stop racism if people don't want to. But I’ll do everything I can to help.” The quote from Mark Balotell ties along Charlottesville because racism is a thing you cannot stop; one can only attempt to do everything in their power and try. Racism will always be around unless we all come together and realize we are all equal. Matt Eich wrote an article for the New York times on August 13, 2017. The article was written on the violence and rally occurring Charlottesville Virginia over the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Emancipation park. In the article “Hurt and angry” the author makes the argument that Governor Mc’Auliffe took no action to prevent the potential violent response regarding the white nationalists. The Charlottesville police stood by and allowed conflict to escalate which created the environment in which James Alex Fields Jr. drove …show more content…

Charlottesville police watched from a distance and hesitated to react with the outbreak of violence occurring close by. The author explains “There was no police present” Ms. Caine-Conley said.” We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all while the police were inside of barricades at the park watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.” The Charleville police were not visibly present not showing action to the violence observers watched as violence escalated and the police remained behind the safety of barricades. Local residents came together to defend each other from the outrage. Charlottesville police remained idle as protests grew more violent than expected. Conflict among protesters escalated When the police took no action to prevent the violent outbreaks

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