Hurricane Katrina Causes

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The southern states has always been under hurricane watch especially when close to the tropic lands near them. Hurricane “katrina formed from the interaction of tropical wave and remnants of a previous tropical depression” (katrina meteorology and forecasting) here is another reason to why may occur and how the formation of hurricanes happens. In this we discover the things and impact a hurricane will leave such as levee branches and death and public alert process. The tropical depression was caused by the “initially formed about 200 miles southeast of the Bahamas on August 23, 2005, as a tropical depression, according to the NOAA” ( hurricane Katrina facts & aftermath) the tropical winds and storms caused there to be hurricanes and storms across the southern states. When having a tropical depression a few hundred miles away near the bahamas causes winds to be disrupted and will cause a hurricane or tornado and other natural disasters. Others think “global warming is partially to blame for power and endurance of hurricane katrina.”( cause and effect) the more the world warms the more likely we …show more content…

Some statistics mentioned “estimated 1,833 people died in the hurricane and flooding of late August of 2005” ( facts,damage & aftermath) this hurricane as well as many others is very deadly and can cause too much damage to the environment. Population affects the environment by how much oxygen and such we make and produce as humans. The bigger part of this was “the importance of impact on animals and people. This hurricane displaced nearly 770,000 residents” (what made Katrina so devastating) they are still trying recover with new homes soon about 11 years later for the damage left by this huge hurricane. New Orleans and Louisiana had a “dramatically population drop from 1.386 million to 1.04 million” (facts, damage & aftermath) this means the hurricane killed some and damaged so much to the states and cities it

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