Hubris In Oedipus The King

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In Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, the character of Oedipus displays so much hubris, is arguably is easily angered, and jumps to conclusions causing the reader to conclude that he is a bad leader.
Oedipus has so much hubris because he thinks he’s always right. The plays starts and Oedipus comes onto the stage, limping. Pridefully he says “Here I am myself- you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus.” (Sophocles, lines 7-9). Oedipus thinks that everyone should know who he is, that he is famous. He says that the world knows him. Which shows that he thinks everyone should know who he is. Showing he has so much hubris. Another instance is when Oedipus and Tiresias are talking about who the corruption is. Tiresias tells Oedipus and Oedipus …show more content…

For example, when Oedipus is talking to Tiresias about who killed Laius, Oedipus expects Tiresus to tell him, but Tiresus will not. Angry Oedipus says “Oh I’ll let loose, I have fury in me-now I see it all. You helped hatch the plot, you did the work, yes, short of killing him with your own hands-and given eyes I’d say you did the killing single-handed!” (Sophocles lines 393-397). Oedipus gets very irritated because Tiresias would not tell him who the corruption of the land was. Since Oedipus thinks he can save everyone he pushes to find out who the corruption is. When Tiresias won't tell him, he snaps, because he has a short temper. Another example for instance is, when Oedipus finally tells Tiresias who the corruption is, Tiresias says that Oedipus is the corruption. Since Oedipus has a short temper he says“You’ve lost your power, stone-blind, stone-deaf senses, eyes blind as stone!” (Sophocles line 422-423). Oedipus got enraged because Tiresias says that he is the corruption of the land. Oedipus thinks he's so innocent, when really he is not. He won't believe Tiresias because he thinks that Tiresias killed Laius. Oedipus has such a short temper, which will lead to problems, especially when he jumps to …show more content…

For instance, when he was bitterly talking to Tiresias about how they are the corruptions of the land. How Tiresias and Creon are the corruptions of the land. Tiresias tries to defend himself and say that no he isn't the corruption, Oedipus is. Making Oedipus more mad he says “So hungry to overthrow me he sets this wizard on me, tis scheming quack, this fortune-teller peddling lies, eyes peeled for his own profit-seer blind in his craft.” (Sophocles lines 439-442). Oedipus thinks that he is always right, so he will always jump to conclusion. He wouldn't believe that he was the corruption of the land. So he jumps to conclusion that Tiresias and Creon did it. Oedipus and Tiresias were still talking about who the corruption of the land was. Oedipus wouldn’t believe what Tiresias had to say, so he jumps to conclusion that Creon did it. Oedipus blows a gasket and says “Creon! Is this conspiracy his or yours?” (Sophocles line 431). Oedipus didn't have anyone else to blame so he blames Creon, his friend. Oedipus wants to keep a clean record and he thinks that he's so innocent, that he couldn't do something like that, so he blames Creon. While Creon is actually the innocent one. He thinks he is always correct, which is why he has so much

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