Howl's Moving Castle

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Everyone has to go through obstacles in life. In which, can help find oneself. In the film, Howl’s Moving Castle directed by Hayao Miyazki, it follows a story of a low self-esteem adolescent name Sophie and the mysterious Howl. Sophie has to break through a curse that the Witch of the Waste put on her. The curse made her appearance look like an old, hunched grandma that causes Sophie to leave her family and follow the journey of Howl to break the curse that she is under. On the other hand, Howl has to fight a war against Madame Suliman whom is against Howl’s wizard powers. Over the course of the journey, Sophie and Howl has to go through finding self-acceptance, leaping over obstacles, and having character development. Although I agree with …show more content…

Sophie has gained more confidence in herself than before. When Sophie was talking to Madame Suliman, “she deafened Howl and gain more confidence in oneself” (Miyazki). In the beginning of the movie, she did not have any confidence in herself because of her beauty. As the movie progresses, Sophie “beings standing up straighter with her stamina increasing until eventually she doesn’t need it anymore… she turns younger whenever she feels confident” (TVTropes). Being old shows that one does not have confidence and accepting the time left until death. Being young shows that one has to be confidence because being confident shows what one wants to do in life. A person is making their decisions for the future and he or she have to be confident in the choices that he or she makes. Sophie, by turning young when she is confident, shows that she is confident in the actions that she is doing In addition, Sophie became a heroin when she was saving Howl. She had the confidence in trying to fight to keep Howl alive (Miyazki). If Sophie was not cursed, she would not be able to save Howl, nor have the confidence to fight alongside him. Sophie would still be a timid, shy, and unconfident adolescent. Furthermore, Howl became more open-minded. In the beginning of the movie, Howl acts “very mysterious and flirtatious manner, behaving like an experienced lover when he charms Sophie” (TVTropes). Howl is like the definition of having a cocky personality. He’s the type of guy that just want to swoons in and make a woman fall in love with him and have the confidence to do that. But as the movie progresses, Howl “starts to behave in a more open and natural way around [Sophie], until he is willing to act responsibly and fight off the enemy planes to protect his ‘family’” (TVTropes). Sophie helps develop and change Howl’s character because of Sophie’s personality as a grandma. She treated Howl as a companion and guides him to care about family. In a

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