How does Walker use form, structure, and language to explore the exploitation of female characters in The Color Purple?

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Whilst exploring the exploitation of female characters in The Color Purple, Alice Walker portrays the female characters in the novel as weak-minded, easily enthralled and controlled by their male superiors. Walker represents the exploitation as a struggle for identity through her consistent use of the theme of power from male characters and the subjugation of females runs parallel along the segregation of the black community from the white community. Significantly, the context of segregation highlights Celie’s lack of education and emphasises her struggle for hope and her own identity. The setting of the novel also shows historical importance through its context of ‘the Deep American South’ by the culture of the population within the ‘Bible Belt’⁽¹⁾.

Celie is a girl who continuously faces endless situations of abuse and torture. Her situation sees her manipulated by men such as her stepfather who rapes her at the beginning. The writer illustrates Celie’s situation through her use of upsetting and explicit imagery - one example of this is in the first letter, where Pa ‘put his thin...

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