How World War One Changed the Middle East and East Asia

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World War One “the war to end all wars” would rage from 1914 to 1918 claiming the lives of more than 8,500,000 people and wounding over 20,000,000. Known as the “Great War” at the time, the war seemed to have come out of nowhere for the people of Europe; as the continent had been in an era of unprecedented peace. Tensions had been rising years before the outbreak, as alliances were being formed. The Triple Entente formed after Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire created the Central Powers, consisted of Britain, France, and Russia.These two alliances would gain in strength as nations aligned with the two. A total of over 100 nations would eventually get involved by the war’s end. In the end the Triple Entente would come out victorious destroying empires and giving rise to many new nations. The Lands of the Ottoman Empire were broken up to form many of the nations that are currently in the middle east.The german claims in the Pacific and East Asia would be given to the Japanese to govern.

For Centuries the Ottoman empire had dominated the Middle East and at its peak was one of the most technologically advanced and powerful countries in the world.In a attempt to knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war. the British would start talks with with Hussein Bin Ali, and other influential tribal leaders, the British promised a Pan-Arab national state, to include all the non-Turkish territory of the Ottoman Empire, at the conclusion of the war in exchange for an all-out Arab revolt. With the increasing amount of military losses and an Arab revolt the Ottomans would eventually surrender.With the Ottomans forced to concede much of their land to Britain and France at the end of the war, the empire died. The British and French wo...

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... the end of world war one.Many of the countries formed in the Middle East after world war one would have territorial disputes over their lands and beliefs. These disputes are still largely active today and still cause conflict in the region. With the Japanese gaining control of German territory in East Asia, this would cause disputes between the two countries. After the war the world would never be the same as people would look to prevent a war from ever occurring again. This would lead to the formation of the “League of Nations” which was basically, an early version of the United Nations, but it would fail in its objective. The “League of Nations” could be held accountable for the cause of World War Two as its failure to act early on could be considered the reason Hitler’s Nazi Germany would be able to invade so many countries with little to no assistance at all.

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