How To Write A Psychology Observation Paper

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I write to inform you that based on my observation of Dr. Regan A. R. Gurung’s research on study habits I have come up with a few suggestions to improve studying in PSYC100. Dr.Gurung conducted a study where he assessed how students actually study and tested whether certain study habits were more conducive to learning than others. Therefore, Dr.Gurung assessed 229 introductory psychology students’ use of 11 different study techniques and associated their responses with their exam scores. Furthermore, in order to take all factors into account Dr.Gurung also, measured the total hours studied, the environment and distractions that were present during study hours.
Dr.Gurung’s results revealed that how students study might be more strongly associated with test scores than how long they study.

Dr.Gurung found that some the most common study techniques that correlated strongly with test scores, were used by students. Contrarily some the strongest techniques such as testing knowledge, was rarely used by students. Therefore, while students focused on the most common study techniques they overlooked some of the most highly effective study strategies. Furthermore, …show more content…

Therefore, as new stimuli is primed, subjects associated with that concept become easily accessible. Dr.Gurung’s results confirm that study strategies involving elaborative rehearsal can be useful in allowing students to establish associations between multiple concepts. Furthermore, Dr. Gurung found that Study methods involving elaborative rehearsal such as testing knowledge and using mnemonics were two of the strongest predictors of exam scores. Therefore, these Methods allow students to establish links between concepts that can be grouped together. As a result as students test their knowledge several times and associate multiple subjects using mnemonics they naturally began to react to stimuli previously activated by

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