How To Survive In The Wilderness

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The Way to Survive in the Wilderness The wilderness is a very dangerous place so it's important to know how to survive in a difficult situation. In order to know what to do, it's best to know the physical features of the area. A person also needs to be able to recognize animals and plants throughout the area. Before one starts to do anything one needs to make a plan of action first. Knowing the area will help a person's chances in a life or death situation. In order to help a person survive it's good to know the geography of the area. The western are of the United States is covered in subtropical forest and is usually humid. The temperature averages about 50 degrees fahrenheit. There are many valley/low areas in the wilderness. There also is rock crevices, muddy and damp ground, there is also a lot of green vegetation. The area will …show more content…

A person needs to first make a shelter before one worries about food. The easiest way to make a shelter is to find any uprooted trees, and take shelter under them. The next thing one needs to think about is how to get a fire started. A person can make a fire using a birch and resin tinder nest. The way to get the spark is by hitting rocks together. One can keep their fire going by using dry pieces of wood. A way to get water is by drinking out of rivers, ponds, and lakes, just make sure the water is not a dirty/mossy because that could give a person a sickness. After one has found water, made a shelter, and started a fire it's good to try to find food. In the wilderness there are many different insects one can eat. Here are just a few of the many, crickets/grasshoppers, locusts, ants, june bugs, caterpillars, scorpions, termites, snails, centipedes, and cockroaches. Another very nutritious food is eggs from bird nests, just make sure you cook the egg by your fire. These are the ways to make a safe shelter and find some

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