How Shakespeare Creates Humour in Act 5 Scene 1

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How does Shakespeare create humour in act 5 scene1 in the play a ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’? William Shakespeare is the author of the comedy play ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’. This play was written around 1595. In this essay I will be answering the question how does Shakespeare creates humour in act 5 scene 1. There are many reasons as to how the play was humorous; one of the main reasons was the staging you would have the real audience, the court on the stage and on the original stage you would have the mechanicals perform. The other reasons on how Shakespeare creates humour are with the characters (fairies, court and mechanicals) and the repetitive incorrect use of language and errors. An example of this could be when in act 5 scene 1 Bottom says ‘O grim looked night, O night ……. O night, O wall’. This shows how uneducated Bottom is and that he is awfully terrible at acting. This also shows haw fickle he is, one minute he saying ‘O wall’ and the next minute he says ‘O wall’( He changes his opinion very quickly this adds to the humour). The three sets of characters are the fa...

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