How Michael Jordan Became Who He Is

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How Michael Jordan Became Who He Is Michael Jeffrey Jordan, or better known as MJ also known as Air Jordan. He was nicknamed Air Jordan after people saw his leaping ability to slam dunk. Michael Jordan is known for slam dunking the basketball from the free-throw line. Michael was very big in sports unlike his siblings Larry Jordan, James R. Jordan Jr., Roslyn and Deloris. He played basketball, baseball and football at Emsley A. Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. Basketball was always the favorite sport of Michael’s. He was actually cut when trying out for varsity team his sophomore year.
Eventually, Michael made the team his junior year and led them to the state championship. Michael played for four different teams. He first …show more content…

Michael has such a strong passion for sports and the game of basketball. Michael gets tremendous support from everyone around him, which drives him. He is passionate about commitment and successfulness. James R. Jordan Sr. loved sports and Michael wanted to make his father proud through a sport. Michael never let anyone or anything come between him and his passion. He practiced every day to become incredible, and be unique, which Michael developed. He drove himself to reach his full potential, and he worked very hard for it. Coach Herring wanted to see Michael succeed and Coach herring did everything he could to help Michael succeed. “Coach herring was the first one to see in me what I saw in myself” (Jordan and Vancil).
Michael was very competitive because he was so passionate about the game and successfulness. “Growing up in Wilmington, Jordan developed a competitive edge at an early edge. He wanted to win every game he played. As his father, James later noted, “What he does have is a competition problem. He was born with that… the person he tries to outdo most of the time is himself.” ( Michael wanted to be the best he could be, he did not want to cut himself short. He knew what his potential was and what he had the potential to do. Once Michael saw this potential in himself, he never stopped

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