How Is Psalm 104 Related To Genesis 2

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1. The conclusion can be drawn that the person who wrote Psalms 104 had previous read both Genesis 1and Genesis 2 because of the similarities of the context which relates back to the God’s story of creation. The footnotes in the Bible even state that Psalm 104 is related to Genesis 1. “You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun that knows the hour of its setting” (Psalms 104:19), and “there is a sea, great and wide” (Psalms 104: 25) is a picture painted by the psalmist in accordance to “God then separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:4), and “let the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin” (Genesis 1:6). There is a direct comparison shown of the relationship between the respective passages because of the similar …show more content…

Psalm 29 can be related in some ways to Genesis 7, specifically to the stories associated with the origin of the Great Flood and the connections with God’s power. First, the footnotes state that a section of Psalm 29 is about a storm from the Mediterranean to the coast (near water) of Syria. “All the fountains of the great abyss burst forth, and the floodgates of the sky were opened” (Genesis 7:11) which is used when referencing the God’s power of eliminating sin from the Earth. On the other hand, Psalm 29:3 says, “the voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over the mighty waters” which means that “the Lord sits enthroned above the flood,” (Psalm 29:10) and He has power and dominion over nature. “The voice of the Lord is power” (Psalm 29: 4) captures that God is so powerful that even His voice has value. In Genesis 1:3, God’s voice also has value and adds significance to the creation story by his voice initiating the creation of the world. Ex. “Then God said: Let there be light, and there was light.” (The context of the passage is different when comparing Genesis 7 to Psalm 29; however, the priestly and psalmist writers still focus on the central theme that God is very powerful and almightily in comparison to

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