How Is Miss Strangeworth Presented In The Possibility Of Evil

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In the story “The Possibility of Evil,” Miss Strangeworth seems to be a simple, old lady, who has her set routine and never seems to alter from it. She lives in the house her grandfather had built, the very first house on Pleasant Street. For generations her family has lived in that very same house and her grandmother had planted those roses that are her pride possession, and her mother tended to them just as she does. As the story progressed, Miss Strangeworth becomes a complex character. The entire story is actually about the difference between appearance and reality in this woman's character. On the surface she appears to be a kindly, harmless, uncomplicated little old lady with a small-town interests and mentality. She prides herself …show more content…

She believes herself to be a kind of guardian and spends her days walking around town as she completes her daily routine. She is the matriarch of the town, and she acts the part. She knows everything about her town, and she proudly admits that she has never lived anywhere else during her lifetime. As she stops to chat with other townspeople, she appears to be polite and caring. However, she is concerned about everyone she meets because something seems "wrong" with them. She feels it is her civic duty to stop evil from spreading in her town. This is a turning point for the character of Miss Strangeworth. She believes herself to be the guardian of the town and spends her days identifying "potential evil" in others. Whenever Miss Strangworth identifies potential evil she mails anonymous letters to her neighbors to keep them on the alert. Including an innocent teenager whom she believes to be having sexual relations with his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, the letters she sends are the very cause of the evil that she has been trying to battle: her malicious words provoke the behaviour she is guarding against. Miss Strangeworth never realizes her darkly ironic position, and when she is eventually discovered to be the source of the letters, she cannot understand why someone would do something as “evil” as destroying her prize

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