How Is Lady Macbeth Responsible For Duncan's Death

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The poem The Tragedy of Macbeth is a piece of literature written in eleventh century Scotland by a well-known writer of this time; William Shakespeare. This poem shows the death of King Duncan, and the demise of Macbeth. Out of the two characters that helped kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth is the guiltiest. Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to follow her devious plan to kill Duncan, by planning the murder, says he doesn’t love her, and attacks his man hood. Lady Macbeth manipulated her husband by telling him that she would take care of planning the murder of Duncan. She made a plan to frame two guards that would take the fall for Duncan’s murder. Then planting the daggers on the guards, and smearing Duncan’s blood on them. Lady Macbeth knew Macbeth …show more content…

In act one scene seven, Macbeth calls off the murder. He expresses to Lady Macbeth that: “we will proceed no further in this business: / he hath honored me of late, and I have brought/ golden opinion from all sorts of people” (1.7.30-33). Macbeth was thinking about all that Duncan has done for him; he did not want to jeopardize what he has worked so hard for. Lady Macbeth did not take Macbeth going back on his word kindly. In fact Lady Macbeth began to mock him saying: “wouldst thou have that/ which thou esteem’s the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem” (1.7.41-43). She was trying to get him aggravated so that he would have the nerve to carry out the plan. She even tells him that she would kill her own baby if she made the promise too. This is her way of making Macbeth not back down from killing Duncan. Macbeth still was not sure about the plan. He was scared of failing to kill Duncan. His biggest worry was getting caught trying to kill his king. Macbeth did not want to lose all of the nobility he has gained around Scotland. In conclusion, Lady Macbeth was the main cause of Duncan’s murder. If she would not have manipulated Macbeth; he would have never acted on his thoughts to kill him. Lady Macbeth used her husband’s manly qualities to her benefit, so that she could be queen of Scotland. Macbeth was persuaded by his wife because she thought he deserved the crown but would

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