How Farah Belonging Quotes

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Thesis Statement: Throughout Farah’s amazing journey, she learns to adapt to many different cultures, develops a sense of belonging and finally finds inner peace and self-acceptance, which allows her to continue growing and evolving. Claim: Farah learns many lessons on her journey. One of which is that taking shortcuts might get you there sooner and easier, but they can have life-changing consequences. Quote: “Perhaps the grown-ups had told me so stay out of it too,I don't know- a child forgets such warnings. I was late to school, and that’s all I could think about. I started across the field. And then suddenly a fire flashed in my face and the earth seemed to move beneath my feet” (43 Ahmedi). Reasoning: Farah was late to school and decides that it is a good idea to take a shortcut to school. She soon finds out that it was not a good idea, because she steps on a landmine! Now she has to deal with the consequences and learn how to cope with this new- found issue. Farah Ahmedi uses imagery to try and paint the picture of this event in our minds because it was a big moment of her life and she wants us to visualize the full extent of the situation. …show more content…

A world that included a new language, culture, and people. She had to learn how to cope with a new world and find a way to belong. Quote: “ I compared life in Afghanistan as I remember it to the life I saw all around me I saw in Germany, and I thought, This is better. I want to have a life like this- getting educated, working, supporting myself, making my own choices” (68 Ahmedi). Reasoning: When Farah is sent to Germany, she learns many things, and she likes their lifestyle and way of life so much that she almost doesn't want to go back to Afghanistan. She had adapted and started to feel like she belonged in Germany. She had even made friends and felt hopeful about the future and her

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