How Does Ultima Lose Their Own Destiny

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Many children, and even adults, struggle to grasp the idea of destiny. They don’t always realize that they, not their parents, have control over their fate, as does the character Merida in the Disney movie Brave. When her mother tries to force her to marriage, as is their custom, she turns to a witch to help her alter the fate that has been decided for her. Not all children are like her though. Some do not realize that they have the ability to write their own destiny and need someone to show them that. When one does not realize that they have control over their lives and their future, they can fall prey to be manipulated by others who will mold them to fit their ideals. Without someone to help them realize that that is not how life should …show more content…

When Ultima is asked to reverse the curse of the witches, she responds: “When anybody, bruja or curandera, priest or sinner, tampers with the fate of a man that sometimes a chain of events is set into motion over which no one will have ultimate control” (Anaya 85). Basically, Ultima says that when destiny is messed with, dreadful things happen to those that mess with it. However, she does agree to help reverse the curse. In doing so, she knows the witches will be punished, as she laughs later on when she hears the howling of the coyotes. Ultimas does not leave the decision to punish the witches up to another true god, she takes control herself. In doing so, she demonstrates her own sense of justice as she does not just heal the uncle, she also transfers the curse to the other witches. While this goes against the fact that destiny is not to be messed with by a human, she is acting more like a god than a mortal in this instance. People, especially young Antonio, expect a true or ‘perfect’ god to punish the wicked and reward those that have done nothing wrong. In this instance, Ultima does both. She punishes the daughters by cursing them, and heals the uncle who had done nothing wrong but had been cursed anyways. Later on in the same chapter, Ultima confronts belligerent …show more content…

As Ultima right away is able to tell Tenorio that there will be a consequence, which she implies when she says “pity the consequence,” it shows she has weighed the options beforehand and had already decided on the correct plan of action. When people think on an ideal god, they often want someone that punishes those that do evil immediately. Humans do not like to wait years and years before vengeance is earned. While a lightning bolt from the sky seconds after a sin is committed would not be plausible, a penalty that comes after a few days or weeks is still a short period of time in the grand scheme of things. However, when it comes to themselves, many people, excluding Tenorio, want to be have an ample amount of time to ‘fix’ the situation. They often find themselves wanting second chances. While Tenorio refuses this, it is because he believes Ultima to be the true ‘witch,’ and he does not really see what his daughters have done as wrong. When one does acknowledge that they have done wrong, they want a god that gives second chances, as Ultima has done here, to escape retribution. Before Antonio leaves to go off to El Puerto for the summer to learn the

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