How Does Maya Angelou Use Diction In The Caged Bird

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In ‘Caged Bird’ by Maya Angelou, the use of of diction, imagery, and syntax build the contrast between the free bird and the caged bird. These things represent the differences between the whites, the ‘free bird’, and the blacks, the ‘caged bird.’ Angelou uses diction to build the contrast between the free bird and the caged bird. The words ’leaps,’ ‘floats,’ and ‘dares’ all have a positive connotation in reference to the free bird. In reference to the caged bird, Angelou uses ‘stalks,’ ‘narrow,’ and ‘tied’ in a negative connotation. The use of negative and positive connotation is the basis for the sharp contrast in the poem. It pushes the differences between the free bird and the caged bird. The negative connotation is exhibiting the suffrage the caged bird has been going through. For example, the word narrow is negative connotation, this is exemplifying the suffocation of oppression. The positive connotation in reference to the free bird is demonstrating how liberating their life is. For example, the word ‘floats’ is narrating the lack of struggle and hardship the free bird has experienced. …show more content…

In the first stanza it expresses (the free bird) ‘dips his wings in the orange sun rays and dares to take the sky,’ orange symbolizes the aggressive energy from red and the happiness from yellow. These two colors combined make orange, it's combining their aggression against the blacks and the happiness they receive having their freedom. In the second stanza it declares(the caged bird) ‘stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage,’ the narrow cage represents the suffocation of the blacks oppression. This is building the contrast between the

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