How Does Clifton Use Repetition In Fat Girl

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The poems “homage to my hips” and “Fat Girl” resonated with me the most. I connected to these poems more than the others. As a young girl I did not like my body. People would bully me for being a heavier set girl. I did not learn to love my body for the way it was until my sophomore year in high school. Lucille Clifton and Megan Fox poems encourage women to love their bodies but, there are also some differences in them. Both of the poems use repetition. Repetition of words adds rhythm structure. The writers also uses repetition is to emphasize what they are talking about. In the poem “homage to my hips” Lucille Clifton repeated the words “these hips are.” Clifton describes her hips as big, free, mighty, and magic. She wants the readers to know she loves her hips, and she is proud of the body she is in. Megan Falley repeated “fat girl” in her poem “Fat Girl.” Society rates the word “fat” as a negative word, but Falley goes outside of society thinks. Falley repeats “fat” to make it positive. She wants her audience to know …show more content…

The poems themes are appearances, femininity, and self love. The women in these poems are celebrating their different body images than society norms, and they express how much they love their body. The poem “homage to my hips” is written in lowercase letters. The lowercase letters Lucille show Clifton’s unique style and subtle and classy tone. Clifton is proud of her hips, but she is not bragging. Megan Falley on the other hand is outraged and fed up. When she is telling the poem to her audience, she is yelling. She says “fat girl, fuck you.” Those words are empowering. She is tired of they way society sees fat people and is saying “fuck you” to those judgemental people. Falley loves her body and is not ashamed of it. She says, “Fat girl dance anyway./Fat girl shirt off./Fat girl lights on./ Fat girl, lights, on!” She is doing things some fat girls are afraid to

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