How Does Bilbo Show Courage In The Hobbit

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J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is an amazing adventure of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins joining a group of dwarves to reclaim their homeland. Bilbo is selected for the adventure by Gandalf for Bilbo’s Took heritage, a bloodline of hobbit warriors. The adventure allows the Baggins side of Bilbo’s heritage to go dormant so that his Took heritage can awaken, and let him discover traits hidden within, such as, courage, wit, and selflessness. Bilbo’s discovery of these essential traits can be found all throughout this incredible novel of magic, and honor. Throughout the novel examples of Bilbo’s new found courage can be found. One such occasion is found early in the book when Bilbo first decides to join the company of dwarves, “...leaving his second breakfast half-finished and quite unwashed-up, pushing his keys into Gandalf’s hands, and running as fast as his furry feet could carry him down the lane”(Tolkien 30). This excerpt is the first showing of …show more content…

One instance of selflessness is found again in Mirkwood, when the spiders had captured, and were planning to kill, the dwarves, ”Bilbo saw that the moment had come when he must do something”(Tolkien 158). In this segment Bilbo finds a choice, he may either run and hide, or he can save his friends. Bilbo’s newfound Took selflessness finds Bilbo cutting into spiders, and freeing the dwarves. The second instance is found when Bilbo gives the Arkenstone to Bard, and the Elf King to be used as a bargaining chip, ”Then Bilbo, not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing, handed the marvellous stone to Bard...”(Tolkien 273). Bilbo is giving away his entire 14th of the wealth of the ancient dwarves in order to find peace between the armies.It takes an unfathombly selfless person to give up infinite wealth for peace. Bilbo’s incredible selflessness may only be matched by Gandalf, as the Took in Bilbo was willing to give up everything to save his

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