How Does Bad Parenting Affect Children

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Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice shows us that bad parenting can positively affect children in different ways. The child’s parents don't have to necessarily be considered good parents in order for their kids to live a successful life. In some cases, “good” parenting may actually have the same harmful effects that “bad” parenting creates. There has to be a balance between the two types, and it could make for better parents. Although Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s parenting had major flaws, their neglect ended up benefiting their children. The Bennet’s neglect benefited their children because they became independent. By not controlling every aspect of their lives and not becoming the so called helicopter parents, Jane learned how to live in the real world by herself without the help of any of her parents. As Charles Bingley and Jane try to start their relationship, Caroline Bingley opposes it. She wants Mr. Bingley to marry Georgiana Darcy because Miss Bingley wants to marry Mr. Darcy, so she hopes that she can use Mr. Bingley as her way in. Although, Jane does see how poorly she is being treated by Miss Bingley, so Jane chooses not to be friends with her even though Miss Bingley could possibly be her future sister-in-law. In a letter to Elizabeth, Jane wrote: …show more content…

When she did come, it was very evident that she had no pleasure in it; she made a slight, formal apology, for not calling before, said not a word of wishing to see me again, and was in every respect so altered a creature, that when she went away I was perfectly resolved to continue the acquaintance no longer. I pity, though I cannot help blaming her. She was very wrong in singling me out as she did; I can safely say that every advance to intimacy began on her side. But I pity her, because she must feel that she has been acting wrong, and because I am very sure that anxiety for her brother is the cause of

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