How Does Atticus Show Courage

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Heroism is expressed in some of the most unusual ways. Many heroes like Superman are presented as a person with superpowers trying to fight the bad guy and save the world, but not all heroes wear capes. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch displays courage, honor, and intelligence. Atticus’s courage is expressed in many parts of the novel as he shows no fear in any of the circumstances he encounters. After Calpurnia warns Atticus and Mr.Tate about the rabid dog, they start arguing about who is going to shoot it. “Look where he is! Miss and it'll go straight into the Radley house” said Mr.Tate. Atticus replies with “I haven't shot a gun in thirty years” (Lee 109). Atticus knowing that if he misses his shot a tragedy will occur, still takes the gun and shoots the dog. Although …show more content…

When Bob Ewell came up to Atticus and spat in his face it showed great disrespect towards him, but he was intelligent enough to not step down to his level. He tells Jem “I destroyed his credibility at that trail. He had to have some kind of comeback. So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell a beating, that is something I will gladly take” (Lee 249). Atticus could have responded back to Bob Ewell but he did not because he knew that Bob Ewell needed to let out his frustration and anger in some type of way, and Atticus did not want Mayella Ewell to be harmed. Atticus’s intelligent is proven to be extremely helpful during Tom Robbinson’s trial. Atticus proves that Mayella’s injuries could only have been caused by a left-handed man; Tom’s left arm was crippled. Atticus asks ‘Will you write your name?”, Bob Ewell writes his name and then the Judge says “you’re left-handed” (Lee 201). His intelligence helped him prove that Tom couldn't have hurt Mayella. Atticus instigates that Bob Ewell might have been the one that hurt

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