How Does Arthur Radley Show Courage

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Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you, it’s what makes ordinary people extraordinary. It is the strength in the face of pain or grief. But most importantly “real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it throughout no matter what”- Harper Lee. In the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird the theme courage is well shown throughout. In a small town of Maycomb, Alabama, two Kids face growing up in an unfair world affected with major racism. Harper Lee displays courage as standing up for what you believe in, even when it means getting in a tough spots. The display of courage in to Kill a mockingbird is shown through characters such as Atticus, Boo and Jem and Scout. Atticus demonstrates …show more content…

Arthur Radley otherwise known as Boo Radley was seen as half a man and half a monster, he is a genuinely tall man that never leaves his house because we was labeled as a bad kids at a young age, he hung out with the wrong crowd and did terrible things. Later, near the end we discover that Boo a nice guy and is just a regular person like everyone else. Boo shows courage when choosing not to leave his house despite of what everyone says about him. This shows courage because Arthur chooses to ignore what people say instead of making it affect him. To continue, Arthur’s courage is shown when he took and sowed Jem’s pants quickly enough for, Jem to have them on the fence waiting for him the next morning. with that during the time when Miss. Maudie’s house caught on fire, Arthur covered Scout with a blanket. This demonstrates courage throughout because even though Jem and Scout say mean things about him. He is still watching them not matter what. Likewise, toward the end of the novel as Jem and Scout are walking back from the play, Bob Ewell attacks them from behind trying to kill them, soon Arthur Radley comes in and saves them.: “ Still but for a man breathing heavily, breathing heavily and staggering. I thought he went to the tree and leaned against it. He coughed violently, a sobbing, bone shaking cough.( Lee 351)”. This shows courage because Boo went out of his comfort zone and saved Jem …show more content…

Jem and Scout demonstrate courage when doing things together and if it’s not together it’s for eachother. Scout the narrator of the story is a tomboy who would rather solve things physically than in her head. Eventually, Scout come to a new understanding of human nature and her purpose in the world. Jem Scout’s older brother and best friend, In the novel Jem deals with the problems of the beginning of adulthood and faces them with difficulty. To begin, Jem and Scout show courage when they face their fears by touching the Radley’s house. This shows courage because everyone in the town of Maycomb thinks that Boo Radley is a mean person so by touching his house they have to have lots of courage to do that. To continue, when Jem and Scout protect their dad by standing up to the mob, this demonstrates courage by helping him and doing what’s right. Also, Jem stands up and protects his sister when Bob Ewell was trying to hurt her. This shows courage because being his older brother, he helped his sister even though he we got hurt in doing so. Finally, Jem and Scout are good examples of courage when facing their fears and helping one

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