How Did The New Deal Solve Problems Of The Great Depression?

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Emoni Sears Dr. Bradley US History 2 01/06/16 Did FDR’s New Deal effectively solve problems of the Great Depression? America has went through a lot throughout its history as in The Great Depression. In the 1930s America was just coming up in the world cultural, religious, and traditional. Then came The Great Depression plunging America into an economic downturn caused by banking policies, Stock Market crash, overproduction, and poor government. Franklin Delano Roosevelt President in 1932 won the election, Many Americans hoped that he would bring the wealth back into their lives. President Roosevelt did exactly what he promised by creating the New Deal. The New Deal was to assist millions of needy Americans, improve the economy, and pass laws to end poverty and unemployment. The New Deal didn’t stop the depression but it was a success in instituting public confidence and new programs that helped millions of Americans. The New Deal effectively solved the problems of The Great Depression. It gave millions of Americans jobs through the New Deal programs CCC and WPA. When FDR took office there were 12,830,000 unemployed in the U.S. and during his administrations unemployment changed 1,040,000 (Doc C). Many Americans honored F.D.R, He helped families from the poor hoovervilles (Doc A) . Roosevelt helped these men feed …show more content…

This program guaranteed money to millions of Americans an unemployment insurance that the government would care for children and the disabled (Doc B). This program helped prove that Franklin Roosevelt cared about the lives of Americans and wanted to patch wounds that America still had from The Great Depression. Americans soon put all their hope to Roosevelt that he can support and help their families, President Hoover couldn’t help the American lives that were poor, he didn’t even care (Doc A). When F.D.R took office America wanted for things to get

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