How Did The 1950's Inspired Arthur Miller To Write The Crucible

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The life of America during the 1950’s inspired Arthur Miller to write “The Crucibles” to

express his thoughts during that time period.

What cause him to write “The Crucibles” in the first place was because it reflected the

drama in U.S for the problems they have been having. For the issues that the U.S been suffering

that caused lots of people to suffer, either being their life style, accused for things that they

haven’t done while the one who was guilty always got away of it, because not enough evidence

or just too rich that the accuser just paid a certain amount to get out of the investigation. That’s

why the U.S tried their best to suppress the communist actions, “and radical leftist activity in

America” but it was no use …show more content…

During that

era, he got affected by the red scare, which “…affected the play wright personally” meaning the

is a reflection of the political fear he had back from deporting lots of immigrants who were

trying to make a living, and trying to feed their families. This affected him personally because

it’s when the government is being promoted a fear of communist that is being widely spread

across the nation and population. The red scare is important in “ The Crucible” because as we see

in the story the rumor of which craft happening was being spread out around the

village/town/land that they were living causing a huge chaos, and distrust with all the people. In

the end the ones who made the decisions are the ones with power not with a having a domestic

vote. Also towards the end of the story John Proctor was in the court room he knew that the girls

were acting, and that Abigail Williams was only lying of the which craft incident, that she only

wants to get rid of Elizabeth Proctor from him using her power in the town. In the end …show more content…

Just what he did to “The Crucible” same goes to all the stories he ever wrote

about, as stated “Miller was able to dramatize the emotional pain that average people suffer”, he

translated what he was seeing into a story reflecting the person life sometimes having a few

changes or exactly how he had remembered it. “Arthur Miller's criticisms of modern American

life influenced another of his most important works. “That’s how “The Crucibles” was created

by people’s modern life that they were living him which it wasn’t great since most of the average

people had major troubles during those years regarding to the economy that it was back then.

“Miller’s interest in the average man did not stop him from exploring major problems of society”

Among his stories he doesn’t only expresses the people’s problems, but what he feels that is

around him too, for example in “The Crucible” he demonstrates the power of dislike and fear

being caused by people by killing innocent people for having to commit “horrible crimes” Miller

has not only been influenced by what the people’s criticism of the American life back then,

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