How Did Religion Influence Sculpture During The Romanesque Period

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To further show how religion influenced sculpture during the Romanesque period, Toman also described the different uses of each sculpture. The way a sculpture was used depended on the type of sculpture. For example, stone-carved sculptures located above portals were usually used to deliver deep important messages. Toman used the example of “The Last Judgement” by Gislebertus, to extend on this idea. The sculpture portrayed the biblical scene of the Last Judgement by showing the two parallels, heaven and hell, with Christ in the middle acting as the judge. It emphasized the damned side more than the saved side. He stated that the purpose of that sculpture was to strike terror and fear to those who viewed it below, which most likely were the incoming pilgrims (Toman, 162). Another example of sculpture, mentioned by Toman, that was used in a different manner were the free-standing sculptures. …show more content…

Some were used as reliquaries to preserve the relics of saints while others were used for rituals or ceremonies. There were also other sculptures used to teach biblical ideas and morals. A prime example of this kind of sculpture that Toman described was the Luxuria at Moissac. He used this example to show how the people of the Romanesque era perceived and taught the sin of sex. The sculpture depicted a woman, Luxuria, naked with the devil by her side (Toman, 162). The image of the devil was used to emphasize her act as reprehensible. Many sculptures, like this one, were found within the architecture of churches. These were the most common type of sculpture and use. But regardless of the different use of each sculpture, they all consisted of religious themes that reflected back to the editor’s main idea of religion influencing Romanesque

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