How Did Prohibition Changed America

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On January 16, 1919 America changed forever the Amendment declared it illegal to manufacture, transport, and sell alcoholic beverages in the United States. More than two-thirds of the Senate, two-thirds of the House of Representatives, and three-fourths of the state legislature now has approved the change. Prohibition was ruled illegal because drinking is most of America’s serious problems like child abuse, crime, unemployment, and workers safety. People would come to work with a hangover or was really drunk, and some of the workers where probably so drunk that they were absent for work. Then fourteen years later the Amendment was repealed, it was almost as if Americans changed their mind on Prohibition. However, many Americans believe that spending money on beer, wine, and whiskey when the nation needed all its resources to fight in Europe was unpatriotic. Important people in the government including congressmen and senators were not able to be trusted with alcohol. The men who made the prohibition were going against the law. They had become bootleggers. “How can you have the heart to prosecute a bootlegger, send a man to jail for a year for selling a pint of a quart of whiskey, when you know for a fact the men who made the laws… are themselves patronizing bootleggers”. In addition, America was Hundreds of thousands of Americans were suffering and trying to escape the great depression, many other were happy. Gangster, racketeers, bootleggers, and dope sellers were making money off the prohibition. Many people saw criminals living the life, Americans were struggling to survive. This had to change. America had changed its mind on the prohibition law because the prohibition was helping criminals make money. America changed its mind on Prohibition because it made life hard for Americans it wasn’t helping anybody but gangsters who was selling the alcohol beverages to make money and America did the right

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