How Did Mount Tambora Changed History

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This may not be the biggest volcano but this volcano changed history with its biggest eruption in history in the 19th Century. This volcano is Mount Tambora, Mount tambora with its biggest eruption in 1815 April 5. Since that day there has been smaller eruptions its now 9,354 ft high it lost some of the top from the eruption in 1815 April 5. Before everything happened Mount
Tambora was 14,000ft high. Also, when the eruption ended, a caldera was 3.7 miles, Mount Tambora third top of the Mountain was destroyed completely.
The danger began April 5 causing small earthquakes and pyroclastic flow but major damage. Pyroclastic flow is fragment of hot rocks, the left overs of other rocks. In that process there is hot gases trapped air inside that moves very fast. Which makes thich gray to black clouds, the temperature is 600 to 700 c (1,100 to 1,300 F). In the evening the day the tragedy happen before the eruption ever happened there was a tsunami of pyroclastic flow …show more content…

I didn't give up. I liked every part of the project expect doing things wrong. Knowing this was the biggest eruption its amazing but also dangerous All the people that died during the eruption mostly when the island has a lot of volcanoes around the area. It's a very dangerous place but it's so interesting. It was also very tall and so much to know. But the fun part was when i got to build the volcano with my amazing partner and we had so much fun it was challenging mostly when we have to shape it a certain way. Just thinking about it makes me smile working hard and people who acknowledge your amazing work that you work so hard to get too just makes you want to jump in excitement and keep on doing what you like doing. It's a motivation for you can keep on

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