How Did Mark Horowitz Become A Magic Collector

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It doesn’t take long for most magicians to start collecting magic stuff. Of course most of them accumulate a bunch of props and effects they never use. Over the years they buy duplicates (either on purpose or by accident). When they have three of one thing, it’s a collection. Some people collect magic books and magazines, magic tapes and DVDs, or something more categorized like cups and balls or handcuffs or magician autographs.

Mark Horowitz is a magic collector. A serious magic collector. In fact, in his house in South Florida he has what he calls a “Magic Mini-Museum.” That means four rooms are completely full of magic things and stuff. There are magic books, of course (over three thousand), and magic DVDs and magic magazines. Everyone has those. But there are also five hundred and fifty magic sets, over sixteen hundred magic comic books, ten thousand business cards, and lots of other magic stuff we’ll mention later. But how did Horowitz become a major magic collector, especially of so many different things?

Let’s go back to his roots, in Brooklyn, New York. He was born April 29, 1948 and spent his youth there with his father (a salesman) and mother (a seamstress) and sister. At age twelve he went to a flea market in New Jersey with his father, who had a booth there. While wandering through the flea market young Horowitz was captivated …show more content…

It wasn’t until he got to college that he returned to being more active in magic. He started at Queens College but soon tired of the long commute and iffy weather. Having become a fan of both Elvis Presley (yes, Mark was a collector) and barbecue, he decided Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis) would be a good school to attend (and maybe he would even meet Elvis; more later on

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