How Did Lennon Influenced My Life

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Lennon had been a huge idol to Chapman growing up, so it was a little surprising that he would target the former Beatle. Chapman worshipped Lennon, until the singer had been quoted saying that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus Christ now”. This one phrase angered Chapman, who was a devout Christian, and may have first influenced his decision to kill Lennon (Mark Chapman: The Assassination of John). Chapman also claimed that after reading J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, he connected with the main character, Holden Caulfield, and was influenced by him as well. Even when he was arrested, Chapman was found on the steps to Lennon’s apartment, reading a copy of The Catcher in the Rye (John Lennon, Former Beatle, Slain by Gunman in New York; Ex-Mental Patient Charged). Although the Beatles had been broken up for many years by the time this incident occurred, it still affected all kinds of people in all different ways. Pfeiffer compares her reaction to the …show more content…

For whatever reason, I really did like him a lot more than the other three at the time. And it hit at such a precise time in my life, where it was very impressionable. And I had never dealt with death. I don’t think I had anybody else in my life up to that point, had passed away. It just really affected me at that time. He was there, and he had all this promise of this brand new solo album and the albums were sounding great. I was really liking the different songs, and then he’s gone. This genius of a songwriter and musician, now he’s gone, what are going to do? After his death I became very focused on the Beatles, to where I started collecting Beatles things and Beatles albums and making artwork. It has changed me and helped form me into the person I am now, in some way, I can’t really pinpoint”

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