How Did Abigal Williams Change In The Crucible

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At the beginning of the play Abigal Williams is a little lonely and sad because John Procter stopped seeing her, but she was even angrier at Elizabeth Proctor because she does not want John to be with her. It was also because she says Elizabeth was spreading rumors about her. She was a girl who desperately wanted to be in love and would do anything to have who she wanted. She showed this when she was in the woods with most of the towns girls and Tituba and then asked her to make her a potion to kill Elizabeth Proctor. Then when Tituba said no she drank the blood of a chicken.

Abigal went through a change when she saw Tituba lie to Reverend Hale and saw the power she had. Then she started accusing people she didn’t like of witchcraft. The reason she was doing all this was to get rid of Elizabeth Proctor. She had everyone who was in the woods help her by doing everything she said, and if they didn’t she said she would stab them if they didn’t listen. Then they accused a few people to convince people that they were telling the truth. …show more content…

This is important because when she changed it led to her accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft. John tried to save her but Mary Warren accused him after he had her help him because she was scared of getting in trouble. Then she stole her uncle’s money and ran away after trying to get john Proctor to go with her. I do think I have any memories that are like this that I know of, but I do have a few similar to it. I have a few memories were I wanted something and I was willing to do anything to get it. It was a few months ago when my grandpa and uncle chopped a few trees in my backyard down and put them in a wood chipper and then there was a huge pile of woodchips in my backyard and if I got rid of them then I could get a new phone and I did everything to get rid of the

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