50 Shades Of Abuse: How Culture Affects Sexual Violence

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50 Shades of Abuse: How Culture Affects Sexual Violence Across the world societies are constantly trying to protect their people and improve quality of life. Every culture has societal norms and laws in place in order to uphold the social order. One social issue that affects every culture in the world is sexual violence. Sexual violence is a global problem affecting every city, state, and country in the world. This is a problem that needs to be explored in order to stop this vicious crime. While most people are aware that sexual violence exists there is still a lot to learn about this crime. Western society paints a picture of sexual predators being predominantly strange older males. The truth is sexual violence can be committed by anyone and …show more content…

Culture and societal norms can affect every aspect of someone’s life. Culture impacts relationships, perceptions, and actions. Culture also affects a person’s perception of sexual violence. In the United States, there is a term for the societal effect on sexual violence called “rape culture ”. A term coined by feminists in the 1970s: “Rape culture is how society blames victims for sexual assault and normalizes sexual violence.” (“What is Rape Culture?”). This includes victim blaming as well as sexual violence in the mainstream media. Rape culture is a primary cause of sexual …show more content…

The aggressor is also threatening force against noncompliance. This is not consent; this is sexual assault. This movie is an example of how the mainstream media in culture normalizes sexual violence. Trying to make sexual assault seem romantic is an act of normalizing what is actually violence. To show how dangerous this type of movie is a college student in Illinois is facing charges of sexual assault after reenacting scenes from this movie. The victims claims that she was raped by the alleged assailant. The assailant’s lawyer argues, “He was acting out scenes from the movie "50 Shades of Grey". ("University of Illinois Chicago Student Allegedly Raped Woman While Recreating '50 Shades of Grey ' Scenes.") The accused claims that the sex was consensual. This supports how certain types of media add to rape culture in society. The romanticism of abuse blurs the line of consent and glorifies sexual abuse and

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