How Can Power Corrupt

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“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolute.”(Lord Acton) Power has the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Most people who have power eventually fall into the need of more power and become corrupted. This will happen to anyone in a powerful position. Power will corrupt. First, “BLM another intrusive tyrannical government entity doing what they do best abusing power and oppressing the backbone of America.” (protesting ranchers in oregon The government owns a lot of land and a rancher was using some of the land. When the government found out the pressed charges and the rancher got arrested. The oregon ranchers are getting annoyed with the tyrannical government taking over too much land. The government doesn’t use the land but the refuse to let those who need the land for farming use it. Generally, if you have a lot of unused land you should sale it to someone who is in need of it like the ranchers. …show more content…

Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best.” (Brainy Quotes, Edwards Abbey). No matter who gets power they will corrupt because power is too strong for just one person. Mao Zedong was the leader of the Republic of China. He had a lot of power to himself being the leader. “ Mao Zedong was a ruler who thirsted for power. In his first five years, he killed about 4 to 6 million by indiscriminately sentencing them to death. His policies also starved about 20 million and on top of that he had numerous enemies of the state executed.” (list 25). Most people would agree that almost everyone who has a lot of power to themselves abuses their

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