Horace Mann's Barriers To Financial Education

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“Horace Mann firmly believed in the utility of education to improve society and humanity” (Groen, 2008). Horace Mann said "Education prevents being poor”. As true as this quote may be, there is also a strong relationship between our debt to income ratio from the amount of loans we accrue while educating ourselves and the income we earn to repay the debt. Taking steps to educate before the problem gets worse is very important. Financial Management programs should be just as important as the other curriculums that are a required for graduation. Every high school students should be taught financial education regardless of sex, gender, color or race. One of the greatest barriers to financial literacy is overcoming student’s fear of borrowing. They should be taught how to make responsible choices financially. Some students are afraid to get into too much debt; therefore they prefer not to pursue higher education. Others worry about credit cards without the proper knowledge on how it works. This program will help relieve those fears and teach the proper ways to utilize money respon...

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