Hopelessness Is An Obstacle Not A Way To Live Life

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We often have times when we lose every shred of hope in our lives and we feel like we have lost everything, including our emotions or our future. The hardest thing to do at that point is to be optimistic, which is the only way to get the enough motivation and hope to get back on our feet and keep fighting until we reach the desired state of comfort. Jeannette Walls’ novel, “The Glass Castle”, is based on her true life story about her struggle with her careless parents and the hard conditions that she had to live with. Walls’ novel reminded me of last year when I was in Canada and I had to experience the death of a close friend for the first time in my life in, leaving me desperate and hopeless in life and more pessimistic about my future and the future of my close ones. Like Walls’ story, I had to find the light and hope somehow in the middle of all negativity in order to continue living and fighting the battle of life. Even though most people, including me, are consumed in a happy life away from tragedies and death, the right amount of realism is important to be able to learn life lessons effectively; thus, sharing the pain with the right people without being toyed by the idea of losing pride, will lead to a better understanding of the world and will prevent us from being too consumed in negative emotions, rather than taking advantage of these bad experiences and turn it into something positive. I think that most of the people who are emotionally stable tend to be over realistic and more hopeless than normal when a bad incident occurs in their lives because they have been I this phase for so long that they forgot what pain really feels like. In “The Glass Castle”, Jeannette is going through the golden age of her life ... ... middle of paper ... ...essness. Jeanette Walls in The Glass Castle’s story is like me when my friend passed away in that we both thought of using our negative emotions as an excuse to feel down all the time, rather than getting rid of these emotions and focusing on moving on. It’s never a loss of pride when you share your pain with your close ones, because their advice could be a bridge that you will walk on throughout your entire life. We must never fear to be hopeful in life, because sometimes all we have is the hope and most of the time it’s the only solution to our problems and our conflicts. Poverty, death and sadness must not be the winners at the end, because it’s important for us to resolve the problems not let them change our way of thinking and the amount of hope we have in life. Loss is the inability to move on, not the obstacles that faces us or the tragedies that occur.

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