Hoot By Carl Hiaasen

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If you knew me as a kid, you knew I liked to be jokester, a clown of some sorts. I loved to make people laugh besides it was nice way to make people smile and it showed me at least I had some comedic talent. Yeah, those were the days. I was on top back then and I always thought I would be. Well, that definitely changed once I turned thirteen. I started to realize that life was not all a big joke. And I can say this attitude has really shaped the way I judge books. I like a book that can show it has silly aspects, but it also knows when it is time to be serious. Carl Hiaasen’s Hoot is one of those stories. Truthfully, Hoot is a silly book put together with interesting characters, and yet, still it provides some nice-timed jokes, and is able to add sad, yet important environmental lessons and life lessons.
General Summary • 193 words
This story is really two stories. The first story …show more content…

Throughout the book it really is serious and the reason why Hiaasen adds these silly elements to the story is so he can put in these important messages into the story. Well that’s it. Fun but not fun right? Just as this review should be. Hoot has it’s nice funny moments but what makes this book truly stand out is it ability to use these funny moments and tie them in with serious moments , so the book can add important themes.
Conclusion • Hook-and-Weave • 111 words
Now, yes this is coming from the opinion of someone who is a teenager right now and is experiencing some of the things that Roy was experiencing throughout the book. Like many teenagers I have experienced my ups and down but throughout this I have learned many lessons. As a teenager I was able to see what Roy was going through and though I have never been the new kid on the block I could visualize how hard was for Roy to adjust to his new home. And that’s what makes Hoot a good read. It is silly but has a nice message- all in all it is a good

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