Honey Bee Collapse Research Paper

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The collapse of the honey bee population is an issue that is rarely talked about, and few realize the effect it has on each of us personally. In America the honey bee is responsible for pollinating almost every food that is seen in the grocery store. The population of this interesting insect has been on a decline for over a decade. According to United States Department of Agriculture, “The total number of managed honey bee colonies has decreased from 5 million in the 1940s to only 2.5 million today”. The debate is not if the honey bees are truly disappearing, there is enough evidence to be found that there is a decline in total population. The true question is why are the hives collapsing? Scientist have devoted many hours trying to find the one true cause, no clear answer has presented itself. Amongst the beekeeping community three major reasons for the collapse of the honey bee are the most accepted, which are pest and diseases, the use of poisons such as herbicides and pesticides, and lastly the human impact such as bad beekeeping practices and urbanization. Many bee keepers have been affected by the collapse of the honey bee. In order to identify …show more content…

Some would argue that global warming should be mentioned as a human impact on the collapse of the honey bee; while there is some research done about this particular issue, there is not enough evidence for it to be a widely accepted cause for the issues with honey bees. We do have a very strong impact, though, on these creatures, and we do not even think twice before doing some of the things we do. First, honey bee keepers in an effort to help protect honey bees, implemented use of pesticides within hives and other questionable methods of helping honey bees with pests. This has made these once very independent creatures very dependent on us for

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