Homosexuality and Billy Elliot

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Homosexuality and Billy Elliot

In ' Billy Elliot' there is undoubtedly a strong homosexual subtext

but does this necessarily mean the protagonist himself is gay? .

Director Stephen Daldry openly deals with homosexuality and

intentionally creates doubt surrounding Billy's sexuality thus

fuelling debate and discussion. Through out the film Daldry presents

us with numerous episodes, which suggest homosexuality but which are

all open to interpretation, for example is Billy's rejection of Debbie

in the bedroom scene a sign of his homosexuality or just due to the

shyness and insecurity of youth? . In my opinion, Daldry, at the end

of the film is encouraging us on what we have seen, to form our own

opinions to whether Billy is gay or not, there is simply no wrong or

right answer.

There are various incidents in the film to suggest that Billy is

indeed homosexual. The fact that he participates in bally means that

in they eyes of his father and undoubtedly others, he is a 'po...

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