Why Do People Help Rehumanize The Homeless

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Principally, to a homeless person, if there was only one thing they hated, it would be pity. The only way society at this point knows how to deal with the homeless is by pitying them. They take the individuals and they put them in a group basically labeled “displaced”, then it is expected that it is up to the state to help them. Many say they try, but because homelessness deals on such a personal level, many don’t get helped because they are grouped. On the personal level, when one sees a homeless person, many, if not most people, shy away thinking that “someone else will help them”. In most cases, they are ignored. Because everyone is thinking this way, not many local homeless people get assistance. In this country, homelessness is one of the last issues to be thought of, which is why the homeless population is now flooding into small cities and towns. Homelessness should be combatted one person at a time and not as a group. I agree that everyone needs to pitch in and help rehumanize these lifeless souls, and with everyone’s help, it can be done on a personal level.
From experience, though many think they …show more content…

They use up their time playing on their $700 cellphones, only to try and blind themselves from reality in the virtual one. People need to get their heads out of the dark and start dealing with this problem one person at a time, and if everyone did it, the problem would be solved overnight. The problem is that, we as people, keep turning the homeless “into an issue, not a collection of human beings”. We, as a group of successful individuals, need to take notice of those individuals in need, treat them like the people they are, and stop dehumanizing the homeless. All they need is a shove in the right direction, and with a little help standing on their own, they will flourish as individuals and become just as successful as the

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